Polica privatnosti
Ova se izjava odnosi na našu praksu zaštite privatnosti u vezi s ice-cap.eu
Hub Karelia Oy, as operator of the ice-cap.eu website under the Erasmus+ funded ICE-CAP project, respects your rights to privacy, and will not collect any personal information about you on this website without your clear permission. Any personal information which you volunteer will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality, strictly in accordance with the The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Ice-cap.eu does not collect any personal data about you, apart from information you volunteer (for example by emailing us or registering your interest in the project). Any information which you provide in this way is not made available to any third parties and is used by ice-cap.eu and the ICE-CAP project only in line with the purpose for which you provided it.
Tehnički detalji u vezi s posjetima ovoj web stranici bilježe se u naše statističke svrhe. Ne prikupljaju se informacije koje bismo mogli koristiti za identifikaciju posjetitelja web stranice. Prijavljeni tehnički detalji ograničeni su na sljedeće stavke:
- IP adresa web poslužitelja posjetitelja
- korišten naziv domene najviše razine (na primjer .ie, .com, .org, .net)
- prethodnu adresu web-mjesta s koje su posjetitelji došli do nas, uključujući sve korištene stavke pretraživanja
- clickstream podaci koji prikazuju promet posjetitelja na ovoj web stranici (na primjer pristupljenim stranicama i preuzetim dokumentima)
- sva pretraživanja izvršena tijekom našeg web-mjesta
- vrsta web preglednika koji koristi posjetitelj web stranice
Ice-cap.eu makes no attempt to identify individual visitors, or to associate the technical details listed above with any individual without their consent. It is the policy of the operator never to disclose such technical information in respect of individual website visitors to any third party unless obliged to disclose such information by a rule of law. The technical information will be used only by ICE-CAP project and only for statistical and other administrative purposes. You should note that technical details, which we cannot associate with any identifiable individual, do not constitute “personal data” for the purposes of the GDPR.
Pristup nekim značajkama na ovoj web stranici zahtijeva od vas da izradite račun i budete prijavljeni s njim; Internetska platforma za učenje pohranjuje informacije o napretku korisnika na tečajevima, forum za raspravu povezuje poruke s identificiranim korisnicima i tako dalje. Kada registrirate račun, na njemu se pohranjuju sljedeće informacije:
- Ime
- Prezime
- Adresa e-pošte
- Zemlja
- Preferirani odabir zadanog jezika
- Slika korisnika (opcija)
- Te se informacije spremaju u sigurnu bazu podataka i ne daju se ili se ne prodaju trećim stranama.
- Ako ste izradili korisnički račun i želite ukloniti svoje podatke, obratite nam se.
We use a number of different cookies on our site. If you do not know what cookies are, or how to control or delete them, then we recommend you visit http://www.aboutcookies.org for detailed guidance.
The list below describes the cookies we use on this site and what we use them for. Currently we operate an ‘implied consent’ policy which means that we assume you are happy with this usage. If you are not happy, then you should either not use this site, or you should delete the cookies having visited the site, or you should browse the site using your browser’s anonymous usage setting (called “Incognito” in Chrome, “InPrivate” for Internet Explorer, “Private Browsing” in Firefox and Safari etc.)
To su kolačići koje izravno postavlja ova web stranica.
Google Analytics: We use Google Analytics to collect information about visitor behaviour on our website. Google Analytics stores information about what pages you visit, how long you are on the site, how you got here and what you click on. This Analytics data is collected via a JavaScript tag in the pages of our site and is not tied to personally identifiable information. We therefore do not collect or store your personal information (e.g. your name or address) so this information cannot be used to identify who you are.
You can find out more about Google’s position on privacy as regards its analytics service at https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/
More information on session cookies and what they are used for at http://www.allaboutcookies.org/cookies/session-cookies-used-for.html
These are cookies set on your machine by external websites whose services are used on this site. Cookies of this type are the sharing buttons across the site allow visitors to share content onto social networks. Cookies are currently set by Facebook. In order to implement these buttons, and connect them to the relevant social networks and external sites, there are scripts from domains outside of our website. You should be aware that these sites are likely to be collecting information about what you are doing all around the internet, including on this website.
Trebali biste provjeriti pravila svake od tih web-lokacija da biste vidjeli kako točno koriste vaše podatke i saznali kako isključiti ili izbrisati takve informacije.
Dodatne informacije mogu se dobiti slanjem e-pošte webmaster@ice-cap.eu