O3 ICE-CAP WebQuestovi
WebQuests (web-klikovi) are a structured learning experience that uses links to essential resources on the World Wide Web and an authentic task to motivate learners’ investigation of an open-ended question for the development of individual expertise and participation in a process that transforms newly acquired information into a more sophisticated understanding. The best WebQuests (web-klikovi) inspire learners to see richer thematic relationships, to contribute to the real world of learning, and to reflect on their own meta-cognitive processes. WebQuests (web-klikovi) are frequently described as 'scaffolded' learning structures to support learner performance beyond their capacities.
ICE-CAP WebQuest izazovi bit će osmišljeni kao podrška članovi obitelji u dobi između 16 i 20 godina to develop an acute understanding of key environmental issues, the emerging circular economy and circular economy business models. A typical WebQuest has an introduction and 5 essential parts: task, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion. The WebQuests (web-klikovi) will present real-world scenarios related to environmental issues in both positive and negative scenarios and set tasks for learners to complete. It is important to understand that these are challenge-based exercises and the challenges can be themed to address specific topics or subjects that have specific local resonance in partner countries
The ICE-CAP Webquest contents can be downloaded below and you can view them in the Learning Portal