O4 ICE- CAP Induction Training for Parents
The final element of the educational materials for the ICE-CAP Family Learning Methodology to promote environmental awareness and the circular economy is an induction training programme for parents and guardians. This induction training has two key objectives as follows:
- To raise awareness of environmental issues and the circular economy of parents and guardians
- To support parents and guardians in their role as facilitators of family learning
Resources to address the first objective comprise a series of workshop lesson plans for use in small group settings that are based around information provision followed by role playing exercises. These exercises focus on a number of negative environmental scenarios and positive circular economy scenarios. These workshopl play a crucial role in developing an understanding of environmental issues and raise awareness of the circular economy among the parents and guardians who participate. The training comprises 6 half-day workshops.
You can download the Induction training materials following the links below.